
If God Made the Universe, Who Made God? 130 Arguments for Christian Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

Perhaps you remember being in a university class, feeling frustrated when the respected professor dismissed questions from a student because of her religious faith. Or maybe over a business lunch one of your colleagues referred to Christianity as a fairytale, and you said nothing. Many Christians find themselves in such situations but don’t speak up because they don’t fully realize the...

one worldview for another. In many cases, the actual change is triggered by a significant event, often a crisis of some kind. But in other instances, an event or piece of new information led them to think in terms of a conceptual scheme that was totally different for them. Quite unexpectedly, these people saw things they had overlooked before, or they suddenly saw matters fit together in a pattern that brought meaning where none had been discernible before. People change their minds on important
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